Spring in Algonquin & Muskoka
Spring comes a little later in this part of the country due to the higher elevation and generally greater snow accumulation over the winter. When spring finally does arrive, it comes with the sound of trickling water turning some streams and rivers into raging torrents as the spring melt is often fast and furious. Long exposure photography smooths some of the detail in the flowing water and creates a very rewarding effect.

"The Oasis" Muskoka, Ontario, Canada

"Wooden Eye" Muskoka, Ontario, Canada

"Cold as Ice" Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. It was surprisingly cold on this early spring day just after the sunrise. The mist had frozen on the reeds creating an interesting blend of colours.

"Mist In The Air" Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. The mist hung suspended in the calm air on this early morning hike in the Park.

"Blue Dawn" Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. On an early photo shoot, the reflection of a gorgeous blue sky reflected perfectly in this pond.

"Thunder", Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. This is such an impressive site. My research indicated that over 680,000 gallons per second goes over Horseshoe Falls. Truly unbelievable!

"Mysterious", Haliburton Highlands, Ontario, Canada. This shot is taken above a waterfall, shooting down through the water below. A long exposure has been used to create white streaks in the water, and the pink and black is the granite below the rushing water.

"Orange Sunrise", Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. A stunning morning in Algonquin Park. I had been waiting for a cold night so there would be mist rising from the lakes in the morning and I was finally rewarded.

"Spectacular Morning", Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. I was very happy to capture this early morning shot in Algonquin Park. The evenings have been cool this summer, so it is nice to be rewarded with early morning mist rising from the lakes. I was also lucky to have the duck hop off the beaver dam running across the bottom of the frame, and start to swim away.

"Morning Stroll", Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. After some months of searching, I was able to find a moose in the open. He knew I was there and at about 500 kg, he easily won the stare down!

"Tender Grass", Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. The moose was enjoying the tender grass near Arowhon Resort in Algonquin Park.

"LIquid Thunder" Muskoka, Ontario, "Canada. There is definitely something powerful about this image. Many can feel the power