Gros Morne, Newfoundland and Labrador. The rock in this image was formed in the earth’s mantle. It was thrust to the surface as anchient continents collided, building the Appalachian Mountains. It took more than 400 million years for the original mountains to erode to create what is left - an orange landscape.
Gros Morne, Newfoundland and Labrador. The rock in this image was formed in the earth’s mantle. It was thrust to the surface as anchient continents collided, building the Appalachian Mountains. It took more than 400 million years for the original mountains to erode to create what is left - an orange landscape.
Gros Morne, Newfoundland and Labrador. The rock in this image was formed in the earth’s mantle. It was thrust to the surface as anchient continents collided, building the Appalachian Mountains. It took more than 400 million years for the original mountains to erode to create what is left - an orange landscape.